JUDY CANNON and DON FULLER in a scene from "The Little Hut", which was running a very successful showing at the Moroccan Theatre in Hollywood at the time we went to press. Director of "The Little Hut" was Richard Fontaine who is also an executive producer for Apollo International.
Don loves theatre, hopes to make it his Don's understudy in this role was Joe Leitel (see cover and center spread) and on many performances Joe played this role.
Joe and Don both batch togeather with another motorcyclist buddy. They work out three times a week at the Los Angeles YMCA.
This photo reproduced courtesy of Apollo Internotional.
JOHN ADAMS 20, 6' 185 lbs has never touched a weight in his life and doesnt intend to. But he has done sailing since age 11 and is an active swimmer and diver. His mother was a champion swimmer (would swim 5 miles every morning before breakfast) and John could swim before he could walk.. AMG offers John Adams Album YY: $2.50 10 catalogs $1. 6 35mm stereo slides $3,50
AMG ANNOUNCES NEW PHYSIQUE PHOTO CATALOG RENTAL PLAN: SELECTOR CATALOGS RENTED AT 1 cent A MONTH! Many readers have told us that though they would like to review the vast 35,000 AMG photo collection, it was too costly for them to buy all the catalogs, even at the low price of 10 cents each page, so now these catalogs are being made available on a rental basis of one cent a month! Because the handling and bookkeeping costs must be kept down, you are asked to rent entire catalog groups (not individual pages). For example, AMG's catalog YP of David Wiler now has 22 pages, the rental cost would be 22 cents. Customer should send a deposit of 10 cents each page ($2.20 for the Wiler group) and when he returns the group he claims $1.98 credit. Catalog groups available include A thru Z8 misc combined 20 pages, ZC13 16 pgs, ZD13 2 pgs, ZE13 8 pgs, ZF13 1 pg, ZG13 3 pgs,. ZH13 6 pgs, ZI13 6 pgs, ZJ13 13 pgs, ZK13 4 pgs, ZL13 3 pgs, ZM139 pages, ZN13 11 pgs (all duals), Z013 6 pgs, ZP13 37 pgs, ZQ13 10 pgs, ZR13 13 pgs, ZS13 9 pgs, ZT13 27 pgs, ZU13 8 pgs, ZV137 pgs, ZW13 28 pages, ZX13 42 pages, ZY137 pgs, ZZ13 24 pgs, YA13 41 pgs, YB13 48 pgs, YC13 54 pgs, YD13 54 pgs, YE13 66 pgs, YF13 50 pgs, YG 13 50 pgs, YH13 15 pgs YI13 10 pgs, YJ13 58 pgs, YK13 60 pgs, YL13 51 pgs, YM13 51 pgs, YN13 48 pgs, YO13 8 pgs, YP13 22 pgs, YQ13 55pgs, YR13 51 pgs, YS13 1 pg, YT13 51 pgs YU13 50 pgs, YV13 48 pgs, YW13 15 pgs, YX13 59 pgs, YY13 11 pgs, YZ13 11 pgs, XA13 50 pgs, XB13 15 pgs, XC13 12 pgs. Models in these catalogs are all revued in AMG's new THOUSAND MODEL DIRECTORY, $1.
THE VALUE TO YOU OF CATALOGS is that they make it possible for you to see pictures you might never otherwise see. If your tastes run close to average then you are likely to find what you wish in the many magazines on the stands, but if your art or bodybuilding project requires some unique variation or type of model, you are far more likely to find him in the catalogs. AMG is taking thousands of new photos every year and you will now be able to review all of these inexpensively through rental catalogs. While the cost for special shootings is prohibi-
tive, your pose ideas are gratefully received and you are very likely to find them in subsequent catalogs.
Page 12.
PHYSIQUE PHOTOGRAPHY IN RUSSIA. There isnt any. Such borgeoise nonsense just isnt tolerated. A body is made for work, not to look beautiful. Weightlifters are encouraged because they show strength and power, but physique contests are considered sissy, and immoral. A few years ago, the writer was in Vienna and was walking along the East bank of the Danube in the Russian occupied zone and came upon two young Russian soldiers swimming in their long purple shorts which serve both for underwear as well as for swimming. Both were superbly-built and very handsome, and I tried in vain to get them to pose for me (speaking to them in German) but they explained they would have been severely disciplined for such action.
Blue noses in our own country who disapprove of the display of the human body will no doubt be delighted to know how closely their own views coincide with the official dictims of the Soviet government. While the situation in Russia shows great signs of improvement, it is too much to expect that 30 years of totalitarian restriction can be thrown off overnight, and it will be many years before physique photography will be "tolerated" in that country. Here at AMG we received one order from Moscow some years back, but no further word was ever heard from the customer.
In America, we also have citizens who would like the government to forbid the display of physique photography. Physique photographers must operate with a constant threat over their heads. One group in Michigan were told by a U.S. postal inspector that even their photographs in full cut beach bathing trunks would not be permitted to go through the U.S. mails. Such interference by government officials isnt worthy of a nation of our professed principles of personal liberty, and we think it a shame some of these officials cannot be sent to Russia where their attitudes might be more appreciated Page 13